People who quit drinking reddit Depressed people aren’t bad people, as a matter of fact a lot of depressed people are awesome people. But weed doesn't create destruction in my life, it helps reinforce my decision to remain alcohol-free. I quit drinking a bit over a year ago. I quit drinking completely about 7 years ago after binge drinking in my early 30s. Your friends will probably poke fun at you for quitting. You can try breaking you food for the day up into smaller meals and snacks, and cut out carbs for proteins and vegetables. Quitting drinking was #1. Hopefully that was it. It's similar culture here in Sweden. AA, Recovery Dharma, NA). I really wanna quit drinking… I think about quitting for a few months but ultimately I think I need to quit in total. Not here to judge others drinking but for my body regular drinking wouldn't be a good idea I've known a small handful of people with drinking problems who quit and then returned to moderate drinking. Now, the only substance that remains is caffeine. I feel like I've been freed. I realized that drinking too much soda was really unhealthy. I feel better. Depending on A couple of years later though, you talk to old friends and hear about the ones who just didn't stop. Ish. Read about a lot of peoples struggles and successes on here and was looking for some inspiration with any surprising benefits people are finding post quit. true. Clear skin! My acne cleared up so much. In one day I didn't just stop drinking soda but fruit juice as well. One day my kid looked at me and said “I don’t like when you drink that”. Yeah, some people just quit without doing anything, but that's going to be highly dependent on individual factors like how much a person was drinking, how frequently, and for how long. I didn't even lose any weight. I started drinking at 40 & quit at 48. Congratulations on your decision to quit drinking!!! It's a huge endeavor, alright. I'd hoped sobriety would be better than this. I have a trip to Italy coming up (September), and the idea of not drinking on vacation seems unfathomable. A healthy amount of sugar per day is about 9 grams. I started by limiting myself to one a day, but then I tried polar seltzers and those things helped me stop drinking 117 grams of sugar a day! My teeth are so happy. Then it's all back to zero. 3 years of problem drinking. Seizures are now controlled with medication, and probably saved me from drinking myself to death. Anyway I decided a few week ago to stop drinking completely, I like the effects of drinking, I love how chatty I become, but even a glass of wine makes me feel like a piece of human garbage. Vodka shots to get as fucked up as quickly as possible. Good luck, only you can do this. People act like alcohol is the glue that’s gonna hold everyone together. We don't have the kind of training necessary to make those sort of determinations. Quitting is hard, and it's OK that it feels hard Not drinking immediately lets people assume you're pregnant - and EVEN THIS DOESN'T STOP some of them ("one for toasting won't do harm!" That's why I don't attend company activities anymore. It opened my eyes to what it can actually do if you abuse it . I also had to stop going out to bars, I’m a musician and was going out daily to experience what I’ve missed in my drunken days but over time being around alcohol is just not fun. However, so is my physical health—-like beyond anything I imagined when I made the choice to quit. Most people don't care if you don't drink alcohol. (you just have to let your friends know that you want to still be a part of said events, if you want to) When I started drinking, I created drinking patterns I saw others drinking, I tried drinking, I went where people were drinking, I talked with drinkers about drinking and I went to activities that included drinking, I created “alone” activities where I drank…. Haven’t had vodka since, quit completely drinking booze for a little over three years and now drink 2-3 times a year. Alcohol is a readily available and socially encouraged chemical that forces the body to produce dopamine. This is something a lot of us lose in addiction. It may be to improve your health, relationships, or work performance. Ultimately, you have to decide to stop drinking, until you make that decision you'll just keep drinking. It's a tricky thing to navigate, quitting drinking. Plus, I was honest about quitting drinking with the people I'm close to. But it was really easy to quit, but only because my life pattern severely altered after that night. Stop while u still can. Try going a week with no added sugar. It was a double-whammy of carbs, sugars and of course the associated calories. I have no intention of ever drinking again, and am certain I can do this. New here, soda addict unfortunately. I can eat healthy food as long as it’s seasoned good but I always have to have soda or else i don’t really have an appetite, I feel like soda completes the meal for me. So You can still go out with friends, just drink club soda or whatever. Who knows how I’ll find that joy I had when day drinking, but everything in my life is 1000% better than it was when I was an alcoholic. I used to be all about the cheese and peanut butter sandwiches during the evenings, especially as I worked through a few beers. I quit drinking at 22 because I had a drinking problem (i just always drank to excess and it was constantly on my mind), and quitting made my life a lot better. I also lost 2 brothers to drink and drugs last year . 25L bottle of coke and just some 500ml to go with my dish. 5 years since my last drink, and I’m spending time on physical and mental health. I drink three to four cups per day and have struggled with anxiety and depression years. Recently, we asked members of the BuzzFeed This subreddit is a place to motivate each other to control or stop drinking. I see people double down on building right now, or holding on to a past life in their 20s. But now I find myself taking selfies all the time haha. No grand statements, promises, announcements. I'm 25, and I'm around drinking a lot (college). Down from 337 to 322 in 3 weeks after I stopped drinking, I've been a heavy drinker for 11 years, I started fasting to lose weight, counting calories and only drinking in my 4 hour feeding window, even though I stayed under the calories suggested by fittnespal to lose 2 lbs a week and fasted for 20 hours a day I still didn't get anywhere. i started feeling suicidal for the first time in my life about 7 months after quitting drinking. The other massive difference I noticed was my fitness improved drastically in such a short period of time. That is a journey way overdue for me. Finally 8/30/20 something hit me. They all stayed sober for between 7-12 years before returning though. This subreddit is a place to motivate each other to control or stop drinking. Try to find time for a good walk or some deep breathing before you even feel the desire to smoke. And to my surprise I'm fine, I didn't lose my social life, I didn't feel like missing something, I can still go to bars and enjoy myself I didn’t quit completely, but I cut way down by drinking mostly decaf. Right now, facing all of that head on without wine feels sad. 2. Eventually got to a point where I attempted suicide (failed obviously). It's completely possible that I quit running for no reason. Sometimes the benefits of drinking are just that you stop digging the hole you are in, you still have to climb your way out. I don't know what happened in my brain, but there was something miraculous about typing, " I will not drink today. There are so many activities and other things to do in life that don't involve booze, once you quit it seems silly to just sit around a bar and not drink. I have my PTSD and anxiety under control with the help of meds. Everytime i quit before the last time i was just dry, which is just as good as Oh yes. I feel more focused and I feel like I have goals now so it's definitely positive Each day 500+ people commit to not drinking for just the next 24-hours. And I was a regular drinker for a very long time. Be patient w/yourself, take it one day at a time, and seek help when you need it. In short: Would recommend giving 750mg of the dietary supplement GABA a shot when you feel the pining and see if it lets you delay. And that was much harder than quitting drinking. Overall, I feel way better. I quit cigarettes years ago, and recently quit drinking alcohol and consuming marijuana. But try everything and find what works for you. g. And I responded “Ok, then I won’t anymore”. I’m tired of losing the silly battle of whether to drink, when to start drinking, when to stop, etc. It's a human characteristic. that happened to me. i still have a little wine occasionally, but that's very rare. I don’t feel like my problem is healthy foods but rather the drinks I consume each day. For a looooong time, I was drinking a good 2-3 sodas a day, on top of an iced coffee (another habit I kicked last year!!) It was bad. My mental illnesses have pushed in my true personality for all my life and not only a whole new bubbly, funny, charisma would burst out when drunk, at some point into drinking I'd have periods of percieved (emphasis on the word percieved) heightened state of analytical skills and gain "breakthroughs" about deeper understanding how people and I work. Recently went down a neurotransmitter hell hole unrelated to drinking. Addiction is a terrible thing. I really like the taste, though, so I switched to decaf. Alcohol keeps your brain in whatever thought patterns keep you drinking. I know I have an addictive personality. Two weeks later, I realized my hands didn’t hurt anymore when I tried doing things like opening jars. Just have to keep reminding yourself that your body is reorganizing, including your brain. 2022 was a tough year for me and my drinking was mostly responsible for indirectly putting my wife’s health at serous risk. I didn't notice any improvement in my skin whatsoever. I'm 26, and 10 months ago, I quit drinking completely. I'm not gonna start drinking again, I know I'm done for good. So the thing about soda is that it's loaded with sugar. Got medication to help with quitting, and had my last pint that night. I’m 38, but I sometimes get people saying I look like I’m in my late 20’s still. Ballooned up to 250 lbs and my bloodwork was shit, and I was well on my way to diabetes. So now I’m trying to convince my family to stop too—maybe one or two drinks on a weekend or holiday, but if you’re drinking to chase a feeling, you’re doing it too much. I will still have some occasionally but I avoid the regular ingestion of sugary liquids. I tried an elimination diet once, and I was supposed to quit coffee. i did not think there would ever be a day where i didn't want alcohol. If you quit, you can end that debate altogether and maybe eventually just get alcohol off your mind. That's probably another reason to quit - normal people do it all the time. I laid it all out and we made a plan. This subreddit is a place to motivate each other to control or stop drinking. I'm sure you could make a list if you're honest. My husband and I have had fights about my drinking. After years of struggling to quit, I got on antidepressants. One less thing bringing you down. I been around drinking good and bad for decades. I quit drinking when I was 35, with multitude of attempts to not-drink-to-drink ranging from weeks to months, longest being 9 month. It doesn't come with instructions or misuse labels, we're bombarded by the media that it's a normal thing to consume when we're celebrating, feeling down, hanging out with friends, mourning a loss of a close relative, feeling stressed, celebrating a milestone. No cause for alarm. Met a wonderful guy and and in the best headspace I’ve ever been in my whole life I am considering quitting drinking in 2022 for a few reasons - empty calories, being healthier, not spending two days trying to recover from a night out and breaking the dependence on alcohol - I don't consider myself an alcoholic, but if you've heard the term "gray area drinker" I definitely fall into that. It’s always a great time to quit drinking, but relatively speaking, you’ll fit right in with making a major life change right now. I moved to New York over 3 years ago, and I finally found myself in a confident enough position to give it up It'll change some of your social life. Jan 4, 2025 · To all the guys out there who woke up one day and decided to stop drinking alcohol- did it make your life better? *I understand there are tons Feb 8, 2024 · While attaining sobriety isn't easy, there are untold everyday people out there who've managed to find a better life through quitting drinking. This Naked Mind, Easy Way to Quit Drinking, Quit Like a Woman are all books I love, and I have great respect and love for this sub. The DCI was my single, most important tool during my first year because it set my commitment for the day. 12oz often has 40g of sugar. Not drinking doesn't fix my ADHD but it helped me make better choices that help me minimize the negative. I went to the doctor, started there. Please post only when sober; you're welcome to read in the meanwhile. After I stopped drinking, I noticed so many benefits: My social anxiety is basically This subreddit is a place to motivate each other to control or stop drinking. If you quit drinking and don't know what you are going to spend all you new-found time and money, you WILL get a feeling of unease, anxiety and perhaps FOMO - without anywhere to place that new found energy it will feel a lot I tried dry January and it absolutely sucked. It's a great support network for people working on sobriety at all stages. The bags under my eyes lessened. That's a great perk. Damned if you don’t drink people think something is wrong with you and Damned if you do drink. It’s not anyones business why someone doesn’t drink. GABA rebound from alcohol is a motherfucker. Listing all the good reasons NOT to stop drinking. But it used to be a week. It's not quitting the coke, but it's cutting it down drastically, which is good enough for start. I don’t want to lose my marriage. And remember, regretting the pain of a hangover is not the same as deciding to stop drinking. I went on a self improvement journey. It helps to stay busy, pick up a new hobby, and spend time with people who don't drink. Couldn't stop. Ive been a heavy drinker for about 10 years and over the past 3 years or so I have really noticed a decline in my health. I quit almost a year ago, and my liver finally doesn't hurt. Join us over at r/stopdrinkingfitness it’s a great place for people who are trying to get it whilst stopping drinking. I find having that sort or routine keeps my anxiety grounded. Sometimes, you don't get the invites you used to because people figure you don't want to come because they'll be drinking. I’d had too many bad people and situations surrounding alcohol throughout my entire life, that i internally automatically associated drinking with negativity Litre of gin a day for 10 years, quit about 2 and a half weeks ago. Each time i'd manage maybe a month, and i'd come here and see all these positive posts "I feel so much better, I'm so thankful to be sober, etc etc etc", but all I felt was depression, anger and frustration. Most people only lose a pound or two a month dieting alone and it takes your body a while at a caloric deficit to adapt and stop triggering insulin spikes and fat storage every time you eat. Since quitting drinking, I've had at most small twinges. Outside of the obvious health benefits of not drinking it, I figure if I quit a drink and I get headaches due to that, it's probably not a good drink to begin with. trying to quit. All of their planning revolves around what to drink, where to drink, how much to drink. I was scared of where I saw myself going so I just, for the most part, stopped. That is exactly what I did. I also participated here quite a bit. but now i have no interest in it really, i can't even smell most of it without gagging. It took my WIFE 2 months to notice I wasn't drinking anymore lol. A lot better. Every quit was tougher and tougher. I even argued with my Dr about how 14 units a week is just unrealistic. Except it's 100x worse because you're also dealing with the alcohol withdrawal. First taste of alcohol was probably around 4-5, first started drinking regularly at 17, first quit at 25, drank again at 26 (for 10 months), quit again at 27, started drinking again at 34, quit again at 38 (for 5 weeks only), quit most recently at 40. I'm 21 & my new year resolutions is to quit drinking & so far I'm 3 weeks sober from drinking. There's no way around it, you have to find a way to socialize without alcohol and sober people to do it with. To the best of my knowledge, most people don't have seizures and all that. That spiraled down into a deep dark hole pretty quickly. Over several years this resulted in severe debt (spending about £100 a day on drinking, every day). I quit drinking around 40 days ago and find my appetite is very reasonable - in fact I don't seem to crave snacks in the evenings anymore. I'm going to be sober for the rest of my life & can't wait to keep marking years down. Don't get me wrong quitting is pretty damn hard and I can't stay quit for but a month at a time or so. My kids were very young. If anyone reading is looking for a great resource to quit, check out r/stopdrinking. I just stopped drinking alone and quietly declined offers of a drink when socializing. Looking forward to and also terrified at the same time. I used to drink almost every day, and now I maybe drink once per week at most, and I only have 1-3 drinks when I do. Alcohol contains a lot of sugars. Some people get anxious, some people have relief from anxiety. I found it helpful to not tell anyone of my intention to quit. About 30lbs. Like for 20 years. I've been trying to stop drinking alcohol for the past 2 years, and lurking here for a few months. Sugar is more addictive that cocaine. Anxiety, panic attacks, withdrawals, some people, if they are bad enough need meds, because damn. This led to depression and more drinking to try and forget about the problems. Overall I set realistic expectations that it might suck, some times more than others, but kept my health and life as a priority and motivation. When I look around on this subreddit I see a lot of people talk about withdrawals from quitting daily drinking. Hanging out in bars and trying not to drink is a recipe for failure for people. and it’s frightening. Here are some strategies that may be helpful: Set a clear goal: Decide why you want to stop drinking and set a clear goal for yourself. . And so many of these terrible things I thought was just ‘me’ started to go away. I still dream about drinking, but I I quit drinking three years ago, I quit smoking, I started working out, I left my alcoholic boyfriend of 15 years (to be fair I was an alcoholic also). It sounds like you had a very specific incident with your mom, but lots of people quit for very nonreligious reasons. I just wasn’t mentally ready to stop drinking. The youngest I'm personally acquainted with is a guy who quit at age 13 - says he started smoking at age 4, drinking at age 7 (or maybe that's vice versa. I have a beautiful life but alcohol is the worst thing in this planet-and I’m a 9 year recovering heroin addict. I didn't even lose weight or sleep better. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. This was during the pandemic so I didn't really run into the social stuff, but I've realized now that no one cares. Since that time I also dropped 40-45 lbs, and can honestly say I’m in the best physical shape of my life. I quit four months ago at 53. Developed quite a taste for drinking and eventually pretty much became addicted. Once you quit drinking, the little things begin to make us feel good again. Edit: The change is amazing! I feel so much better now. I did not consider myself an alcoholic, even though I drank wine most nights. I'm not an alcoholic, but I was raised in Ireland, so needless to say pretty much everything in my life was centered around drinking in some way. like the alcohol was masking the true depth of my depression for many years and so without the drinking i felt it all. Started having seizures at 22, quit drinking after the first one. I think this list has plenty of tips. I reminded people around me I was quitting smoking or drinking less and that I might be irritable lol and did my best to step back when I could. I just cut done what I drank daily until I did not drink anything. Not me, but I know many people who had to quit in their teens. At 20 years old I quit smoking weed. She won't quit drinking and at this point I'd hazard to say her brain is mush. It sucks for the first week. Hey guys new to Reddit and glad to be here! I'm a little over 2 months sober just wondering some ways you guys cope with being around intoxicated people at times when they can't be avoided. And I completely resonate with the little joys coming back -- alcohol artificially spikes your dopamine, so simple pleasures don't impact us much. The take-away is that, if you want to stop drinking, there are many parts of a plan you can put together, and many paths, and much support. I quit in stages about 24 years ago. The people who do question why I'm not drinking are usually alcoholics. That's why it's hard to quit. Binge drinking 1-2 days per week is "normal" here. I now feel the best I’ve ever felt in my life (had been drinking every day since I was 15 years old). If you try AA, take what works for you and leave the rest. 100%. 2 years of occasionally drinking. my partner can ask if i want a drink and it's so easy The Reddit Stop Drinking years (2019–2023) Reddit Stop Drinking was not enough for me to actually quit drinking durably, but what it did offer me was the opportunity to try everything else except in-person self-help groups (e. Only then start looking at all the negatives and reasons to STOP drinking. I just looked healthier and better! This is because soda/sugar can cause breakouts and other issues with people, and dehydration doesn't help either. Major respect in not drinking, there may be depression involved but it comes with health and improvement over time. Clean up your social circle. That may not seem like much but it was far too much. Drinking hurt my sleep and poor sleep gives me anxiety, mild depression and wrecked my focus. "Well at least I'm not drinking, I need some kind of a vice" but any addiction is only powerful up to that moment when I get that first drag or drink in me. I stuck with it, 400+ days later I’ve dropped all the excess weight. Asked how I looked so much better in the two years we’ve moved here - I told him I quit drinking, it’s been 2. I wish I had a selfie or something from when I was drinking to compare it with but I recently realized that I hated the way I used to look so I never took any. I quit smoking cold turkey exactly 40 years this year. Now it's boring old water. Thankfully, Metro Vancouver has absolutely incredible tap water. If you find it helpful, great! But if it isn't, don't give up hope. Yet another reason for being angry with myself for drinking. It's SUPER common for people quitting drinking to have huge sugar cravings. Always like 3-5 beers basically daily and more on weekends. We welcome anyone who wishes to join in by asking for support, sharing our experiences and stories, or just encouraging someone who is trying to quit. My personal experience is that even with the sweet tooth tendencies that came with quitting alcohol I still was losing tiny amounts of weight each week. 2 weeks later i had the clarity to look in the mirror and realize id never feel good about myself if I didnt stop drinking. Jul 3, 2024 · This subreddit is a place to motivate each other to control or stop drinking. Pretty quickly I dropped 10 lbs (like in the first 2 weeks) that I think was related to no longer consuming nightly IPAs, but that was the end of the rapid weight drop. My mental health is in a much better place now. I just want to be a better person… I just feel like when I quit drinking for a while the people around me will encourage me to drink again. My suggestion for quitting drinking soda would to be a sugar fast. I WISH I quit drinking and partying in my 20s. 3 years of trying to quit. One therapy technique I learned was listing all the things that drinking does "give" you, all the benefits (or perceived benefits). Hey Reddit, So here's the deal. I quit running 7 years ago because of it. I quit drinking because it was making me too anxious and lazy. I started drinking because of anxiety and depression, and the alcohol only numbed the pain until the next morning when it was much I quit drinking for 6 months to help my anxiety and it made a huge difference. Dietary GABA slows neural activity (in a roundabout way) and helps deal with the GABA (suppressant) vs glutamate (accelerator) neurotransmitter imbalance Title, basically. Don't miss doing stupid shit when I was drunk and I really don't miss being hungover every day. After I told some of my closest friends and my family about my problem and trying to address it, things were a bit easier, I didn’t feel as totally alone. You have identified a problem, now identify some support and avoid situations right now that could lead to binge drinking. Quitting drinking can be difficult, but it is possible. Also when he quit drinking, he made the decision to quit cold turkey and the withdrawals almost killed him with seizures and dehydration from vomiting and diarrhea, so if you are reading this and wanting to get sober, please please please get detox with the help of medical professionals (or at the very least don't do it cold turkey!!) because 212 votes, 91 comments. But by cutting out the sugar, and instead drinking tons of water, you help your body flush out the bad stuff so much easier. As others have said, you really do have to take it one day at a time. She has liver problems but refuses to admit that it was caused by decades of daily drinking. ) There's a regular AA meeting in New York called "Never Had A Legal Drink" for people who got sober early in life. She's in her early 60s and I dont know how much longer she has to live. Some people get more spacey, some find it easier to focus on certain kinds of tasks. Staying home when people go out sucks, not drinking when people drink sucks too. I still went out with friends, I still went to pubs but I just had non-alcoholic beers and stuff. Meet up with friends in places that are more for coffee/tea, or some activity where drinking isn’t featured. Stop going to bars and (this is a big one) stop socializing with people that frequent bars, AND are always drinking. Alcohol steals your joy for the next day, sucks your energy, it’s poison. Quitting drinking didn't guarantee that I would have a home, but it did guarantee that I wouldn't drink it away. That means no juice too I didn't completely quit, but I cut alcohol out of my life majorly. $100 says it's more sugar craving than trying to numb the pain. That was 32 years ago. I quit this year because I went a little mental last year and hurt a lot of people I loved plus I did a lot of really weird stuff when I drank. I guess I'm just venting. I was not an alcoholic but gave it up for health reasons and never have gone back. I quit drinking 40 days ago but nothing's really changed for me, I just have one less thing that brings me joy in my life. Quit smoking 3 months ago. Best reason ever The short answer is yeah it helps. When I quit I did see a therapist who told me that a) alcohol acts as a long-term depressant of your nervous system (this is why you have "tolerance" after drinking regularly over a period of time - your nervous system is already rewired to accept alcohol) and b) it takes a month or 2 for your nervous system to reset itself to normal - actually reflecting your real mood and This subreddit is a place to motivate each other to control or stop drinking. She can't remember things accurately and can't think critically anymore. I'M People make big decisions in their 30s. My aunt is an alcoholic. I still think that drinking is a great way to get close to people and helps a lot of social events. Then I had a drinking lifestyle. -Edit- So after 22 years of heavy smoking, 1000 quitting attempts with every method you can think of I’m on day 3 of a cold turkey quit and feel like Ewan McGregor in Train Spotting. Quitting drinking didn't guarantee that I would get money, but it did guarantee that I wouldn't drink it away. While a lot of people swear by AA/NA, there's no actual evidence that supports that people that go there will have a greater chance (it's 5%) to succeed in the program than people who don't attend those places. Lots of people quit drinking not related to religion. Im not a doctor. of course I don't mind people drinking around me or even being tipsy but lately I find myself increasingly annoyed and frustrated when I'm around family friends etc who are wasted. iwndwyt. The dude snapped to respect in a way I’ve never seen someone do. I told myself I was a happy functioning alcoholic for years and I didn’t want to stop drinking. I get insomnia, and actually do things besides sitting around drinking. Wasted their lives away after starting with everything and losing it all to addiction. Some people eat cottage cheese, some people don’t. It’s a chemical messenger in the receptors in your brain that goes “yaaaasssssss”, then you stop drinking and it goes “noooooooooooo”. Actually my skin was great when I was drinking, but I attribute that to a consistent skincare routine and using products that really suited my skin at that time. Every time I see him he stops and tells me how much respect he has in me for It's just such a waste of not drinking to hang out in bars. luckily as a result of these feelings i was compelled to seek therapy and in turn started seeing a new psychiatrist recommended by the therapist, who got me on I did not go to AA or other groups, but I did get a counselor, do a lot of reading and writing, and undertook a disciplined training program (running). slightly exaggerating, but it was a lot and i spent several months like that. I'm starting to notice how good I am functioning mentally & also looking physically better since I quit both substances. You say tomato and I say tamato. It seems like it would be tough to not fall back into “well one won’t hurt”. I drank 2 bottles of bottom shelf whiskey every day for around 6 years. The main physical symptoms would be a constant discomfort in the left side of my chest, sometimes a shooting pain down my left arm, horrible skin (acne + red cheeks), cloudy and unfocused mind, almost unmanageable anxiety at times + a few panic attacks, as well as an I have noticed quite a bit of change. Some people get crazy munchies, and some people it just knocks them right out. Quitting drinking this fall. Followed by calorie counting and the gym. But normal drinkers don’t post on a stop drinking website. What are the withdrawals from quitting binge drinking? I'm guessing less physical withdrawals and more psychological? I'm about 5 weeks sober currently and I don't think I had much physical withdrawals. So much of my success was because i was around other people. Step 4: Every one of my old friends and drinking buddies tried to get me to drink after knowing full well that I had quit. We welcome anyone who wishes to join in by sharing our experiences and stories, telling others what is helping us to overcome our challenges, or just encouraging someone who is trying to quit or cut down. ). It wasn't until I quit drinking that I understood what people meant when they claimed they felt better when they ate healthy food. It's really no different from when people get on keto and have to deal with sugar withdrawal. lol But, I guess there's always an excuse ("It's Friday"/"It's a Holiday"/someone's birthday, etc. Total. So from time to time I stop cold turkey. Found out cool stuff about alcohol. For the majority of people (especially ones who haven't developed deep problems with alcohol already) moderation is to prefer. People change in their 30s. Don’t wait for a drinking disaster to occur before you quit. Then it gets better. Sure, there's been times I quit weed, coffee as well, because things in my life were stressful and it would magnify any anxiety I had. something clicked!! You and me and us in the group all want to be normal drinkers. What the hell. I am 20 and have been a fairly heavy drinker since my early/mid teens; now I’m trying to stop, or at least moderate it. Don’t tell the people who you don’t think will be supportive. 5 weeks in you will have mood swings. Eliminating alcohol and marijuana have helped a LOT with these issues. I also lost weight when I quit drinking. So when I wanted to stop People who think they can just quit a bad habit without replacing it with a new one, will run into a vacuum problem. Quitting soda was not easy for me at all. I currently on day 134 sober so I've never had enough sober time to consider a return to drinking. For quitting the best advice I can give you is to try Coke Zero (or Diet coke, or w/e you call it). I really look forward to my drinks of Friday after work, I love the flavor and trying new beers, wines or cocktails. I would take advantage of having people who care, tell them you have a problem and that you are going to try and quit drinking. I smoked since I was 14. My isolation and double life started when i was just a kid, long before i put a chemical in my body. but AA and in person support have been extremely important for me. For that reason alone, I will always encourage and support everyone quitting alcohol. The long story: I used to drink daily. I don't think I would have quit if I didn't have a problem. Not drinking wont cure your disease if you are like me. Doing this is the difference between drinking a 1. yeah, i used to drink all day, every day. everyone tells me i’m too young to cut myself off but there’s something not quite right about waking up on the floor of my room surrounded by empty bottles. So a question, for those who have quit drinking for anxiety, has it helped and how have you changed your mindset to think “I cannot have a drink because of my mental health”. For years, I had intermittent pain in my legs along the sciatic nerve and my sacrum are. I didn't realize I was constantly at least a little depressed, anxious, bloated, and tired from drinking so a smoothie for breakfast barely moved the needle. While most would feel that if someone took a glass of wine to each dinner, that's somehow more extreme (or unusual). I'm 51 and have been smoking and drinking for a long long time. Quitting drinking didn't guarantee that I would have relationships, but it did guarantee that I wouldn't drink them away. Wine with dinner is totally normal. thank you for this. I don’t party but if I had quit drinking my life would have change exponentially. I am still a HUGE work in progress, but the progress would have been impossible if I kept drinking. I've known far, far more who couldn't. 💖 Id like to quit both drinking and tobacco, but know that quitting drinking will at least help me cut back on my nicotine consumption. What It Feels Like to Quit Drinking Alcohol for 3 Months (After Drinking Almost Daily for Years) In a word: Enlightening. just seeing if you guys Such a stigma with alcohol. jhpf aqxdcr pjebg qgppgv fyykem iphjbn uwc kvwpig wlk mbndz